VAT Advice
VAT Advice is a department in Inter Tax AS. The company’s main objective is to support Norwegian and foreign companies by rendering consultancy on VAT issues and on issues within the range of our expertise.
In order to meet the increasing demand for consultancy on VAT issues within the EU, we are making our highly specialized expertise in this field available. Our knowledge is well founded by the almost 30 years of reimbursement activities within Inter Tax AS, as well as by the participation in the VAT Expert School-programme organized by the VAT Forum in Brussels/Belgium.
The programme is unique and was generated by the activities of the VAT Forum and their professionals. We make sure that we are regularly updated by the annual VAT Conference, the annual “VATSchool” as well as by weekly news and reports obtained from various authorities and businesses.
This active information policy enables us to offer the comprehensive expertise to our clients that are required both today and in the future: Know-how on issues regarding VAT within the EU, as well as between Norway and the EU. In dealing with issues requiring knowledge on local rules and regulations, we refer directly to our network of VAT Forum partners.
The difficulties that arise are of a highly individual nature and can seldom or never be solved by applying one single regulation. Often, problems arise in the aftermath of a sale. This requires that solutions are found to solve any problems caused by the preceding processes. Detected mistakes can often be corrected, but some countries may refuse to accept the corrective measures. As a result, the due VAT can suddenly pose an extra expense being allocated to either purchase or sale, and so minimizes profits.
As of 1.January 2010, new regulations regarding services rendered have gone into effect. In B2B (business to business) transactions, VAT is in principle due to the place the purchaser is established. In B2C (business to customer) transactions however, VAT on services is due to the country the seller is established. The concept of “use and enjoyment”, i.e. determining where a service has actually been consumed, is subject to a wide range of interpretations by the various EU member states.
We recommend you to contact us for guidance on these matters in advance of a project, to avoid excess work and unnecessary expenses. Furthermore, careful planning can even disclose possibilities for additional profits.
Our services and VAT consulting are based on hourly rates.
Do you have questions?
We are quick to respond to inquiries, and are always happy to answer any questions.
Send us your question through the form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
You can also call us at:
23 19 61 20